Hillside Springs

Driving along the Grand Loop Road, almost exactly in the middle between Black Sand Basin and Biscuit Basin you can see on the western side the bright orange runoff of hot springs on a mountain slope a long way off. These three features are appropriately called Hillside Springs.

Since the colorful thermal area is closed to public access it can only be observed from a distance. Although it is further away, the observation platform above Artemisia Geyser is even better suited for this than the Grand Loop Road or the boardwalks of Biscuit Basin. The nearby Mystic Falls Trail offers no view at the springs at all. So the following pictures were made from a spot near Artemisia Geyser.

Hillside Springs, Yellowstone
The Hillside Springs in the backcountry between Black Sand Basin and Biscuit Basin (July 2024)

The two northern springs currently show the most spendid colors. Despite the great distance it is obvious that thermal water is flowing from them in abundance.

Hillside Springs, Yellowstone
Close-up of the two northern Hillside Springs

In comparison, the southernmost Hillside Spring is only marginally active.

Hillside Springs, Yellowstone
Close-up of the southernmost Hillside Spring

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