Lower River Group - west side of Firehole River

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When you enter the west bank of Firehole River at the steel bridge near Ojo Caliente, you encounter the first loose cluster of thermal features after approximately 100 m (110 yards). Largest and dominating feature is dark green Leaf Pool, a quiet hot pool with no geyser activity like all other members of the cluster.

Leaf Pool Yellowstone
Leaf Pool

Between Leaf Pool and the river Skeleton Pool is located. This is presumably the most dangerous spring of the entire River Group due to its deceiving overhanging rims. Skeleton Pool is listed in the RCN database as Buffalo Spring.

Skeleton Pool Yellowstone
Skeleton Pool

North of Skeleton Pool next to the river Crown Crater sits on top of a low sinter mound.

Crown Crater Yellowstone
Crown Crater (Grotto Spring and Baby Bathtub Spring across the river)

Around Leaf Pool several other hot springs can be found. Some examples are given below.

Hot Pool Spring LRNN018 Yellowstone
Hot pool LRNN018

Hot Pool Spring LRNN017 Yellowstone
Hot spring LRNN017

Hot Pool Spring LRNN012 Yellowstone
Hot pool LRNN012

Upstream of Leaf Pool only a few, less remarkable springs are to be found until you reach the Mound Geyser cluster after approximately 200 m (220 yards). Already the first features north of Mound Geyser exhibit impressive sinter structures surrounded by crystal clear blue water. T. Scott Bryan listed these as UNNG-RVG-9, which is erupting together with Mound Geyser.

Hot springs LRNN035 and LRNN036 Yellowstone
Hot springs LRNN035 in foreground and LRNN036 in background (UNNG-RVG-9)

Mound Geyser itself outshines its neighbors with even more gorgeous geyserite globes around the rim. Mound's interval spans on average about 20 minutes, eruptions are up to 3.5 m (12 feet) high.

Mound Geyser Yellowstone
Mound Geyser

With LRNN033, Mound Cone and Fissure Cone further pretty springs are in the immediate vicinity south of Mound Geyser.

Hot Pool Spring LRNN033 Yellowstone
Hot spring LRNN033

Mound Cone Yellowstone
Mound Cone (Cone Spring to be seen across the river)

Fissure Cone Yellowstone
Fissure Cone

200 m (220 yards) farther upstream some more pools and unnamed geysers are located in the Upper River Group. These are to be described on this page later.

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